To help take care of our oceans, €1 will be sent to a non-profit organization. We picked Ocean Conservancy . 🐠
Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental group. The organization helps formulate ocean policy at global levels based on peer reviewed science.
About the product:
Set of 6 coated vynil stickers.
These stickers are waterproof, durable stickers! Perfect for your reusable water bottles, laptops, notebooks and other supports.
Whale Shark: 120mmW x 53mmH
Zebra Shark: 130mmW x 54mmH
Spotted Eagle Ray: 120mmW x 53mmH
Hammerhead: 127mmW x 46mmH
#Vitamin Sea: 106mmW x 45mmH
#Underwater: 105mmW x 44mmH
Underwater Stickers (Set of 6pcs)